Will Bona be exempted from watching hard core porn?

IMG_0657Well, now there’s a new guardian of the nation’s moral rectitude, Mr Mugabe’s 27-year-old daughter, Bona.

Unless there are specific exemptions relating to her duties on the official Board of Censors, Bona, eyes agog maybe, will be required to watch hard core porn movies and judge pornographic books, magazines and all else, including sex toys, deemed a danger the nation’s moral fibre.

Is Bona ready and prepared to see porn videos that are seized on the streets and elsewhere so that they can be banned outright? Images of sadomasochism, gays, bestiality and pedophilia pile up in the censors’ offices every day. Not long ago, a blow-up sex doll was left in a corner of the office, its breasts and thighs sagging as the air seeped out.

The censors banned Leonardo de Caprio’s ‘Wolf of Wall Street,’ the movie, for its explicit sex and use of drugs.The opening scene has de Caprio sucking cocaine into his nose from the backside of a naked prostitute.The Board of Censors ruled that the drug taking, immorality and financial corruption were done with impunity and none was portrayed as illegal or punishable by law enforcers.

Other raunchy moves were cut to ribbons. ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ became ‘Twenty Shades of Grey’ in local gossip.fifty shades 2

The Board has banned as unsuitable the documentary film ‘The Democrats’ that showed the the process of drawing up a new constitution before the last elections. What was there to hide about the constitution making process other than it showed uncharacteristically open dialogue, warts and all, contrasted against  93-year-old Mr Mugabe’s vision of a prosperous and contented  Zimbabwe?

The censors, a hangover from the colonial era retained since independence in 1980, should view all films, shows, plays and publications before public distribution.

IMG_0655Or is Bona’s role to concentrate on monitoring the social media and the media in general for content that might be offensive to her family. She is certainly not in it for the money. The board is always broke, but may have a few coins on hand is these days when paper money is a growing rarity …

Photos of drinking and partying by errant brothers Robert Jnr and Chatunga have been aired widely on social media platforms. Robert Jnr has posted several himself.

Other new members of the Board of Censors are Charity Charamba, chief spokesperson for the police and Father Fidelis Mukonori, the Roman Catholic priest said to be a confidant of Mr Mugabe and sometime receiver of the presidential confession.

Meanwhile, I greatly look forward to the day when Assistant Commissioner Charamba can’t be reached for an important police comment because she is out of the office – watching porn.

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