It’s not all that meets the eye


People on the social networks are finding all sorts of symbolism – and satire – in the latest Time magazine Person of the Year cover I mentioned last time for its ‘M’ horns on his head.

The chair resembles an antique Louis XV chair that reflects the ostentatious, cruel and selfish reigns of the French kings before the French Revolution. ‘It is a gaudy symbol of wealth and status, but there is a rip in the upholstery, signifying Trumps own cracked image,’ writes one blogger.

The pose is one of a monarch on his throne, watching his subjects with some disdain. Trump’s shadow in the background is the spectre of him lurking in the wings, ready to take over with no experience of statesmanship, says another blog.

Then there’s the lighting on the thinning hair, implying some lost youth and vigour. Get it? The whole picture of the President of the Divided States of America is a political commentary on Trump’s love-hate relationship with the media.

Time magazine makes it clear its person of the year is always awarded to someone who had ‘the greatest influence, for better or for worse, on events of the year.’ It therefore is not an editorial endorsement of its choice.

Previous winners in the magazine’s history have included Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Ayatollah Khomeini.

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