Reflections from a beach far away

imageBored with politics and the US presidential race in particular? Monica Lewinsky’s legacy (courtesy Private Eye.)

As the old saying goes, if you think your single vote doesn’t make a difference, spend the night in a closed room with a single mosquito.

Malaria alert.   No anti-material prophylaxis tablets available Harare – the local drug manufacturers who made them have closed down – and the pharmacies and the Chinese-built provincial hospital in Vilancoulos only have a cure for malaria – 24 strong tablets taken over three days. The cure  might just work to prevent malaria, says the Mozambican hospital pharmacist. ‘Professor Google’ doesn’t agree that that is a certainty.

Zimbabwe’s money difficulties spill over? No problem with ATMs rattling out Mozambique metacais but the same Zimbabwe cards pop up as ‘not valid’ on most swipe machines.

A Jack Nicholson (One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest) moment at a Vilancoulos cafe.

1. Toast, jam, honey, pancakes, tea or coffee
2. Cereal, honey, fruit, juice, tea or coffee

Can I have cereal, honey, pancakes and coffee please?
No. It is not on the menu.
You have cereal and you have pancakes?
Yes, but sorry, it is not on the menu like that.
I should order both and put the pancakes with the cereal and leave the rest. Is that correct?
Yes. That’s right. Sorry.

And if you are still worrying about what’s wrong with the world …  after the deaths of David Bowie, Prince et al: More Bad News for the Music Industry – Kanye West found alive and well in his Manhattan apartment.

(Thinkers or worriers. Impromptu seaside carvings on a storm-felled tree)


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